Going gluten-free is becoming a popular diet trend even among individuals who don’t have a medical condition that requires avoiding gluten.
In other words, while some people may avoid foods with gluten because of certain medical conditions, such as the celiac disease, others just do it because they think ‘gluten-free’ is healthy.
But should you really be opting for gluten-free products in Pakistan?
The answer is, yes!
Keep reading to find out why gluten is bad for your health.
What is Gluten?
Gluten refers to a collection of various types of proteins or prolamins that are commonly found in barley, wheat, rye, and triticale. These gluten proteins are highly elastic which is why the food items containing gluten, such as wheat, are commonly used in making baked goods and bread.
These gluten-containing food items are a major part of our everyday diet, and these foods are highly resistant to the protease enzymes in the digestive tract. Hence gluten proteins don’t break down easily and the incomplete digestion causes amino acids to cross through the walls of the small intestine into the rest of human body.
This then triggers various immune responses such as those experienced by people suffering from the celiac disease.
Who MUST Shift to a Gluten-Free Diet?
Gluten intolerance is a term that refers to three separate conditions, and people with these conditions are advised by health experts to only buy gluten-free products.
Here are the conditions of gluten intolerance:
Celiac Disease
Cause by both environmental and genetic factors, the Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that impacts only 1% of the world’s population.
Celiac disease is a chronic condition and gluten intake by people with this disease can cause intestinal damage, nutrient malabsorption, skin disorders, anemia, neurological disorders, and osteoporosis.
Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity
People who don’t have the celiac disease or wheat allergy, yet still suffer from fatigue, headache, and joint pain after consuming gluten are often diagnosed with non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
Similar to those with the celiac disease, individuals diagnosed with NCGS experience improvement in their health when they start consuming best gluten-free products in Pakistan.
Wheat Allergy
This condition is more common in children but it can affect adults too. Individuals allergic to wheat have an abnormal immune response to the gluten proteins in wheat. The symptoms may range from mild nausea to anaphylaxis.
Moreover, it’s also possible for some individuals to have both the celiac disease and wheat allergy.
Why Go ‘Gluten-Free’?
It has been proved through research that following a gluten-free diet can help with the symptoms of certain health conditions, such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Grave’s disease, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
In addition to this, gluten intake can also worsen the symptoms for those with irritable bowel syndrome or any other bowel disease. Gluten also increases intestinal permeability in individuals suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.
Lastly, following a gluten-free diet can also be beneficial to people who have been diagnosed with endometriosis, fibromyalgia, or schizophrenia.
All in all, many individuals, specifically those with the celiac disease, wheat allergy, or autoimmune disease should avoid gluten and buy gluten-free products only for their everyday diet.
Additionally, it has been proved through several researches that the human digestive system cannot handle the amount of gluten protein that is included in modern everyday diets.
Moreover, a huge number of people report that they feel better after shifting to a gluten-free diet. The first step to avoiding gluten involves cutting back on processed foods, including sugary cereals, fast food items, and baked goods.
After you’ve started buying and consuming gluten-free products in Pakistan, you’d notice a healthy loss of weight and may also feel less fatigued and more active. Plus, since shifting to a gluten-free diet also involves incorporating healthy food items in your daily diet, such as fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and proteins, you may start feeling healthier and more energetic.
This is a major reason why the number of people who avoid the intake of gluten has risen dramatically over the past years. And if you’re thinking whether going gluten-free is a safe diet option or not, know that the proteins and nutrients present in all the gluten-containing grains can be easily consumed with a healthy well-rounded diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and healthy nutritious fats.
Are Gluten-Free Products Healthier Than Their Gluten-Containing Counterparts?
Not necessarily.
While going gluten-free can be good for your health, many companies manufacture gluten-free cookies, cakes, and other processed foods that aren’t nutritious or healthy for consumption.
So, when you shift to a gluten-free diet, remember not to rely heavily on processed foods and items. Instead, add more fresh, healthy and nutritious foods in your daily diet, and be sure your nutrient requirements are being fulfilled.
You can also consult a professional dietician before going gluten-free.