Achieve Your Glow Goals with the Ordinary's Bestsellers

Achieve Your Glow Goals with the Ordinary's Bestsellers

Ever looked in the mirror and thought, "I want that glow!" Girl, you're not alone.

We all want clear, radiant skin but don't want to drop hundreds on fancy department store creams. That's where The Ordinary comes in. This brand is shaking up the skincare game by offering straightforward serums and treatments packed with hardworking ingredients like retinol, niacinamide, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid.

Keep reading to learn which cult favorites can give you gorgeous, glowing skin without breaking the bank.

Get Your Glow on With the Ordinary's Bestselling Serums

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%: The Acne-Fighting Duo If acne is your main concern, this power couple is for you. Niacinamide reduces inflammation and redness while zinc helps control oil production. Used together, they're a formidable force against breakouts. Apply a few drops of this serum morning and night after cleansing for clear, blemish-free skin.

Vitamin C Suspension 23% + HA Spheres 2%: Brightening Magic Packed with 23% pure vitamin C, this serum works wonders for hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that boosts collagen production and gives skin a gorgeous glow. The added hyaluronic acid keeps skin plump and hydrated. Use in the morning before moisturizer and your skin will look fresh and radiant in no time.

Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion (or Squalane if you have sensitive skin): The Anti-Aging All-Star If you want to seriously slow down signs of aging, a retinoid serum is a must. This gentle formula contains a stable retinoid complex that minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, tightens pores, and boosts cell turnover without irritation. Start using Retinol 2-3 times a week, then slowly build up as your skin adjusts. You'll be amazed at how smooth and youthful your skin looks!

Right now, you can score The Ordinary original products for 50% off plus free delivery in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi - but only for a limited time! With free shipping and products for every skin type and concern, the Ordinary makes it easy to curate an effective skincare routine. Achieving your glow skin goals has never been more affordable or accessible.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to get that glow!

Peel Away Dullness and Congestion

The Ordinary's cult favorite AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution is your secret weapon for instantly brighter, smoother skin. This powerful exfoliant contains glycolic and salicylic acids to unclog pores, reduce congestion, and slough away dead cells. In just 10 minutes, your skin will emerge refreshed and radiant.

Twice a week, apply the peel evenly across your face after cleansing and toning. You'll immediately feel a slight tingling—that's the acids at work, dissolving the glue that holds dead cells to the surface of your skin. The tingling sensation means it's working its magic. After 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Your skin may appear slightly red after use, but this will subside quickly. Be sure to limit sun exposure and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen since your skin will be more sensitive. The results, however, will be well worth it. Regular use helps fade hyperpigmentation, smooth fine lines, and unclog and tighten pores for a rejuvenated complexion.

This potent formula is suitable for most skin types, including oily, combination, and normal skin. If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test on your jawline before full use and limit application to 3-5 minutes. For the best value, start with the smaller 30ml bottle. A little goes a long way and with consistent use, this bottle can last 2-3 months.

Your quest for glowy, youthful skin ends here. Add The Ordinary's Peeling Solution to your weekly regimen and get ready to #peelyourwaytoglowingskin! Clear, bright, and radiant skin is just around the corner.

Shop the Ordinary's Bestsellers in Pakistan

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%

This acne serum is a must-have for oily and blemish-prone skin. Niacinamide helps reduce inflammation and redness, while zinc works to balance oil production and clarify skin. Use it daily to clear up breakouts and minimize pores.

AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution

This powerful peeling solution combines glycolic and salicylic acids to exfoliate skin and brighten your complexion. Use it 1-2 times a week to remove dead skin cells, and for anti-pigmentation, and improve skin texture. Be warned that it causes a tingling sensation, so do a patch test first, and don't leave it on for longer than 10 minutes.

Vitamin C Suspension 23% + HA Spheres 2%

Packed with 23% vitamin C, this serum helps boost collagen production, fade pigmentation, and protect skin from environmental damage. Hyaluronic acid hydrates skin and plumps fine lines. Use daily for a bright, glowing complexion and more youthful-looking skin. With affordable prices, you can't beat the anti-aging benefits of this product.

100% Plant-Derived Squalane

This lightweight oil is ideal for all skin types, from oily skin to dry skin. Made of 100% squalane, a naturally derived emollient, it hydrates skin without clogging pores. Use it alone as a moisturizer or mix a few drops into your night cream for an extra boost of hydration. It's an affordable way to keep your skin nourished and balanced.

With free delivery and up to 50% off The Ordinary's bestselling skincare products in major cities like Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi, you can achieve your glow goals without breaking the bank. Shop 100% authentic The Ordinary original products and take advantage of amazing discounts on acne serums, peeling solutions, moisturizers, and more. Your skin will thank you!

You now have all the Ordinary intel you need to start your glow-up journey. Grab their bestselling faves like Niacinamide, Acne Serum, and Peeling Solution to target your specific skin concerns.

Whether you're oily, dry, dealing with hyperpigmentation, or just want an overall glow, The Ordinary's got your back. With free delivery and major discounts in cities like Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi, it's easier than ever to get your hands on these 100% authentic gems.

What are you waiting for? Your glass skin goals are within reach - start shopping your new faves now to unlock your most radiant complexion yet. You've so got this!