Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss

Do you find an increased amount of hair on your pillow or inside your shower drain? 

Many people worry about their hair loss while trying to determine what factors contribute to this condition. 

First of all, your diet serves as a secret cause behind the development of your hair loss symptoms. Although stress and genetic factors remain important. 

Here, we will talk about the vitamin deficiencies that produce hair loss while showing methods to overcome these deficiencies. Find a solution to fight your hair loss causes in the tips mentioned below.

The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Health

Hair needs vitamins and minerals as essential energy sources. Such substances contribute to hair growth by strengthening the hair structure and minimizing damage to its strands. Hence, the deficiency of vitamin causes hair loss and also hair thinning.

The specific vitamins perform two functions: maintaining better scalp blood flow and improving hair strand strength. Your hair roots receive health benefits from iron and zinc as mineral substances. Insufficient vitamin and mineral intake through diet or other nutritional deficiencies leads to hair loss causes, slows down hair growth, and makes the hair dull.

Vitamin Deficiencies That Can Lead to Hair Loss

Most individuals do not understand that the foods they consume shape the health of their hair. Several vitamin deficiencies commonly activate hair-related issues among people:

  • Vitamin D Deficiency collapses hair follicles thus causing hair thinning to occur.
  • A lack of biotin results in brittle hair as well as rapid hair shedding.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency cause hair loss, harms red blood cell creation, and stops proper hair development.
  • A lack of iron results in hair thinning and delays the growth cycle of new hair.
  • Hair weakens, and breakage occurs when people suffer from zinc deficiency.

Key Vitamins Which Support Healthy Hair 

Importance of Vitamin D:

Essential for maintaining proper growth operation of hair follicles. Hair follicles become inactive when vitamin D deficiency occurs which triggers hair loss while decreasing its growth speed. Sun exposure with salmon and egg consumption provides maximum support for your hair health.

Biotin (Vitamin B7) and Hair Growth:

The active compound Biotin serves as one of the top vitamins that support healthy hair development. Keratin, which forms your hair, depends on this ingredient to be made. Insufficient biotin consumption leads to conditionally fragile hair, which tends to fall prematurely from the head. However, nutritious sources for obtaining biotin exist in eggs, nuts, and whole grains.

Role of Iron in Healthy Hair:

The delivery of oxygen to hair follicles depends on iron molecules as carriers throughout the body. Insufficient levels of iron cause hair growth to weaken while hair starts showing signs of becoming thinner. 

Moreover, females, particularly those who experience heavy periods, develop iron deficiency more frequently. Intake of iron-rich foods such as spinach, red meat and lentils will promote improved health benefits.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Cause Hair Loss:

The production of red blood cells depends on vitamin B12 which strengthens the essential process of hair growth. When there is not enough Vitamin B12 in the body then people experience excessive hair shedding. 

Animal-based foods that include meat, fish, and dairy products provide the most rich source of B12 vitamin.

Zinc and Its Role in Hair Strength:

The intake of zinc promotes both the reconstruction and advancement of hair tissues. Your body requires sufficient zinc intake to prevent both hair loss and dandruff development. 

Intake of pumpkin seeds together with chickpeas reduces hair loss causes as it helps increase zinc content in your body.

How to Prevent Hair Loss Due to Vitamin Deficiency

When vitamin deficiency causes hair loss, you can recover from this condition by adapting to basic life changes. You can stop further hair loss and restore growth through these steps.

1. Eat a Balanced Diet

The right solution to hair health is gaining the necessary vitamins and minerals through proper eating habits. Eat different nutritious foods such as

  • Broccoli maintains strong hair because it brings iron and vitamin C that promote hair growth naturally.
  • Daily small portions of nuts like almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds contain biotin, zinc, and fat that feed your hair.
  • The biotin in eggs plus dairy products such as milk yogurt and cheese provides protein and nourishment for healthy hair fibers.
  • Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna) – Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and protein for scalp health.
  • Whole grains provide B vitamins and iron that shield your hair from thinning.

2. Get Supplements

When your diet does not provide enough vitamins you should take vitamins as suggested by your doctor. Most people use these supplements to support their hair health:

  • Vitamin D supplements – Especially for those with limited sun exposure.
  • Biotin supplements develop hair strength and shield against snapping.
  • People with iron deficiency anemia need to use iron supplements for their treatment.
  • Zinc tablets – Support hair repair and growth.
  • Bear hair vitamins – Provide a combination of essential nutrients for overall health and strong hair.

3. Exposure to Sunlight to Get Vitamin D

Sunlight delivers the best source of vitamin D for proper hair growth. Expose your skin to direct sunlight for 15 to 30 minutes in either the morning or late afternoon hours to receive enough vitamin D without harsh UV damage. 
If there is not enough sunlight, you should add more vitamin D options such as milk and dairy products together with fish and eggs to your diet.

4. Keep Your Scalp Hydrated

The health of your scalp relies on getting enough moisture, like your skin. A dry scalp weakens hair strands and makes them fall out at increased rates. Keep your scalp hydrated by:

Drinking water helps skin and scalp health so consume eight glasses of water daily.
Coconut oil, argan oil, and castor oil nourish the scalp by hydrating its surface.

5. Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep

Physical and mental stress jointly contribute to hair loss. Stress triggers your body to produce hormones that harm your hair development process. Routinely exercise to better move blood through your body while decreasing stress hormone production.
Hence, taking these actions will shield your hair from vitamin deficiency damage and help it develop normally.

Can Hair Loss Shampoos Help? 

The well-known brands offer shampoos that help stop hair loss. Sunsilk Hairfall Solution Shampoo contains products derived from soy protein, argan oil, and vitamin E.

Next, Dove Hair Fall Rescue Shampoo helps minimize hair breakage that leads to hair loss. The L’Oréal Paris Fall Resist Shampoo features arginine and vitamin B5 to nourish hair roots while blocking hair thinning and shedding. 

However, these shampoo products do not solve hair loss caused by vitamin deficiency problems. Take professional guidance to maintain a well-balanced diet and follow recommended supplement routines to minimize hair loss causes. 

Wrapping Up

If you are losing hair because of vitamin deficiency, it can return to its healthy condition. Moreover, if you're looking for hair-nourishing and hair-strengthening products, then look at the products that Reana is offering. 

We provide Bear Vitamins to stop hair loss, shampoos to make your hair healthy and essential oils for a hydrated scalp at reasonable prices.


Does iron deficiency cause hair loss?

Yes, iron deficiency plays an important role in hair loss. Try to eat iron-rich foods such as meat, lentils, and spinach to keep your hair healthy and thick. 

Can dandruff cause hair loss?

Dandruff itself is not a cause of hair fall. However, when a person experiences excessive dandruff, he scratches his scalp, which can damage hair from the scalp and weaken it. It ends in hair loss.

Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

Yes, Vitamin D deficiency is another major cause of hair fall. Sun is a rich source of vitamin D., so whenever it's possible, sit in sunlight as much as you can. Other than this, add dairy products to your diet to avoid vitamin D deficiency.